Select Input

Form select inputs are used when the user has a choice of many options eg choosing a country or a county

Intended behaviour

If you use the component for settings, you can make an option pre-selected by default when users first see it.

If you use the component for questions, you should not pre-select any of the options in case it influences users’ answers.

When to use this component

The select component allows users to choose an option from a long list. The select component should only be used as a last resort in public-facing services because research shows that some users find selects very difficult to use.

When not to use this component

The select component allows users to choose an option from a long list. Before using the select component, try asking users questions which will allow you to present them with fewer options.


Minimal input

open this example in its own window

<label for="ds-id-0" class="form-label">Lorem ipsum</label>
<select id="ds-id-0" class="form-select" aria-label="Lorem ipsum">
  <option value="maecenas">Maecenas</option>
  <option value="donec">Donec</option>
  <option value="curabitur">Curabitur</option>

Options to the selectInput() macro

label: string

The human-readable input label.

options: object

Keys are each option's value, and values are options' human-readable value labels.

value: stringnull

The value of the currently selected option.

required: boolean = false

Whether the input is required.

disabled: boolean = false

Whether the input must be disabled.

invalid: boolean = false

Whether the input's state is valid.

id: string|null = null

The element's ID.

{% from 'macros/component/select-input.html' import selectInput %}

{{ selectInput({
    'label': 'Lorem ipsum',
    'options': {
        'maecenas': 'Maecenas',
        'donec': 'Donec',
        'curabitur': 'Curabitur'
}) }}

Required input

open this example in its own window

<label for="ds-id-1" class="form-label">Lorem ipsum</label>
<select id="ds-id-1" class="form-select" aria-label="Lorem ipsum" required>
  <option value="maecenas">Maecenas</option>
  <option value="donec">Donec</option>
  <option value="curabitur">Curabitur</option>

Options to the selectInput() macro

label: string

The human-readable input label.

options: object

Keys are each option's value, and values are options' human-readable value labels.

value: stringnull

The value of the currently selected option.

required: boolean = false

Whether the input is required.

disabled: boolean = false

Whether the input must be disabled.

invalid: boolean = false

Whether the input's state is valid.

id: string|null = null

The element's ID.

{% from 'macros/component/select-input.html' import selectInput %}

{{ selectInput({
    'label': 'Lorem ipsum',
    'options': {
        'maecenas': 'Maecenas',
        'donec': 'Donec',
        'curabitur': 'Curabitur'
    'required': true
}) }}

Invalid input

open this example in its own window

<label for="ds-id-2" class="form-label">Lorem ipsum</label>
<select id="ds-id-2" class="form-select is-invalid" aria-label="Lorem ipsum">
  <option value="maecenas">Maecenas</option>
  <option value="donec">Donec</option>
  <option value="curabitur">Curabitur</option>

Options to the selectInput() macro

label: string

The human-readable input label.

options: object

Keys are each option's value, and values are options' human-readable value labels.

value: stringnull

The value of the currently selected option.

required: boolean = false

Whether the input is required.

disabled: boolean = false

Whether the input must be disabled.

invalid: boolean = false

Whether the input's state is valid.

id: string|null = null

The element's ID.

{% from 'macros/component/select-input.html' import selectInput %}

{{ selectInput({
    'label': 'Lorem ipsum',
    'options': {
        'maecenas': 'Maecenas',
        'donec': 'Donec',
        'curabitur': 'Curabitur'
    'invalid': true
}) }}

Disabled input

open this example in its own window

<label for="ds-id-3" class="form-label">Lorem ipsum</label>
<select id="ds-id-3" class="form-select" aria-label="Lorem ipsum" disabled>
  <option value="maecenas">Maecenas</option>
  <option value="donec">Donec</option>
  <option value="curabitur">Curabitur</option>

Options to the selectInput() macro

label: string

The human-readable input label.

options: object

Keys are each option's value, and values are options' human-readable value labels.

value: stringnull

The value of the currently selected option.

required: boolean = false

Whether the input is required.

disabled: boolean = false

Whether the input must be disabled.

invalid: boolean = false

Whether the input's state is valid.

id: string|null = null

The element's ID.

{% from 'macros/component/select-input.html' import selectInput %}

{{ selectInput({
    'label': 'Lorem ipsum',
    'options': {
        'maecenas': 'Maecenas',
        'donec': 'Donec',
        'curabitur': 'Curabitur'
    'disabled': true
}) }}

Prepopulated input

open this example in its own window

<label for="ds-id-4" class="form-label">Lorem ipsum</label>
<select id="ds-id-4" class="form-select" aria-label="Lorem ipsum">
  <option value="maecenas">Maecenas</option>
  <option value="donec">Donec</option>
  <option value="curabitur" selected>Curabitur</option>

Options to the selectInput() macro

label: string

The human-readable input label.

options: object

Keys are each option's value, and values are options' human-readable value labels.

value: stringnull

The value of the currently selected option.

required: boolean = false

Whether the input is required.

disabled: boolean = false

Whether the input must be disabled.

invalid: boolean = false

Whether the input's state is valid.

id: string|null = null

The element's ID.

{% from 'macros/component/select-input.html' import selectInput %}

{{ selectInput({
    'label': 'Lorem ipsum',
    'options': {
        'maecenas': 'Maecenas',
        'donec': 'Donec',
        'curabitur': 'Curabitur'
    'value': 'curabitur'
}) }}